Shopping and Stuff

Hello ~

Yester day me and my friends went to the city! We bought some stuff frome Blue Fox and Shock. I bought white and black tights! ~ We had a really great time! And I have missed them like hell! >___<

I were going to do a post about the japan-flea merket but I will post some pics of what I bought that day and some other stuff I bought when I have been out with friends!

I bougt the eyeribbons and a new wig at the flea market! The eyeribbons are made by Emilia (Pastelbat) and I bought the wit from Kokoro-chan (Amanda) I just looooves this wig! It's so pretty and is nice to wear!

Found this SHOXX magazine and it onely cost 49:-! Thats so cheap! And it had a poster in it!

Legwarmers! (spelling??)



My friend Meiu baked me Halooween cokies! They were so delicious! Thank you Meiu!!!! >____< <3

That's all for now! See you soon!
Chuuu ~~~~